Men’s Health Info & Updates

True False Sign

Laser Focal Therapy Myths Busted

Don’t let fiction trump facts when it comes to your prostate cancer or BPH treatment. Like you, many patients have questions about laser focal therapy (also known as “LFT,” and focal laser ablation, or “FLA”). Over the years, we’ve often found ourselves clearing up misconceptions or myths. With SO much

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Screening Diagnosis Stethoscope

Who is at Risk for Prostate Cancer?

When it comes to defeating prostate cancer, know thy enemy. The quick and dirty answer to the question, “who is at risk for prostate cancer?” is this: every man on the planet. Are you a man reading this? Then you are at risk for prostate cancer. It’s the second most

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Precision Diagnostics

Saving lives with early detection and personalized care.

Breast Health

Empowering women’s health through precision diagnostics.

Prostate Health

Early detection saves lives. HALO is setting the new standard for prostate care.