Neuro Health

Advanced Neuroimaging via MRI, CT, and PET-CT

Shedding Light on Neurological Diseases and Complications

We envision are world where disease and complications from diseases are addressed early, when the likelihood of making a difference is greatest. And we’re leading the way.

Complications from Stroke

Head, Neck, and Back Aches & Pains

Neck Tumors and Cancers

Brain Tumors and Cancers

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Vision Disorders

Hearing, Vestibular, and Sinus Problems


Cognitive Assessments

Find the Signs Early for Alzheimer’s and Dementias

When Symptoms Are Mysterious, Knowing More Solves More

The Latest in Neurological Diagnostics

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We provide rapid, precise, and actionable results that create life-changing and life-saving individualized plans for patients.

Precision Diagnostics

Saving lives with early detection and personalized care.

Breast Health

Empowering women’s health through precision diagnostics.

Prostate Health

Early detection saves lives. HALO is setting the new standard for prostate care.